Genre Drama
Infected Digimon—digital monsters who have begun acting in a berserk manner and experiencing a bizarre increase in power—are invading the real world. While Maki Himekawa and Daigo Nishijima, agents of the mysterious Incorporated Administrative Agency, attempt to learn more about these disruptive appearances, most of the Chosen Children are busy preparing for Tsukishima General High School's summer festival. Mimi Tachikawa, having recently returned to Japan after living in the United States for years, struggles to find her footing among her classmates and fellow Chosen Children. Meanwhile, by throwing himself into his studies, Jou Kido has been deliberately avoiding all issues related to Digimon, causing his partner Gomamon to run away. Mimi and Jou's individual actions cause friction within the group even as the threat of infected Digimon still looms over them. Will the two resolve their personal conflicts in time to help their friends fight off the latest threat?
After Aoi Zip Formula was banned for one year from Cyber Formula racing due to cheating, Jotaro Kaga, alias Bleed Kaga, returns for the 17th Cyber Formula World Grand Prix. However his old car is no match for the returning champion Hayato Kazami, whose skill has improved tremendously, and his Nu-Asurada AKF-0. An old face, Kyoshiro Nagumo, appears suddenly to him and offers him the Ogre AN-21: a prototype to the Bio-Computer operated Al-Zard series created by the developers of the Asurada, and an ultimate racing machine that only a few can drive. Kaga must now master this car, confront his own inner demons and, most importantly, defeat his longtime rival Hayato in what is possibly Kaga's last and greatest Cyber Formula season.
In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive the professor's experiment, a large Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. During this process the alien comes to 'life' and the lab is subsequently destroyed leaving Takuto the only survivor and the alien disappearing into the wilderness. While Frank roams the wilderness he meets Hattie, an emotionally distressed young girl whose parents are killed in the first 'close encounter' war. Oddly enough she is able to communicate with Frank and soon after they are taken into custody by a secret agency known only as 'Funeral'. Meanwhile, Takuto wakes up in a hospital bed with his life in shambles, and his face disfigured. Motivated by vengeance and heart break, Takuto accepts an offer from the mysterious 'Mr. X' and receives a new identity as a ranking Funeral officer named Ryu Soma.
TV Series
Taichi and friends can't hide how disturbing it was that something suddenly went wrong with Meicoomon, causing her to destroy Leomon and disappear beyond the distortion. "If Meicoomon was infected, I want to find out what caused it. Were there any signs it had happened? And when in the world did it occur?" Faced with a situation beyond imagination, Koushirou struggles to come up with some countermeasure. But with no effective means at his disposal, he ends up grilling Meiko for information. "Please remember. I need information if I'm going to find out what's behind the infection." Meiko hangs her head, unable to offer any answer... Agumon and the others had been quarantined in Koushirou's office to protect against infection, but Patamon starts showing signs of it anyway... At the same time, Agumon and the others are informed via the voice dwelling within Hikari about an important secret concerning the Digital World. "The time... draws near..." Then during the battle against Meicoomon when she shows up again, said "time" arrives. Taichi and friends agonize over the revealed secret. As the feelings of each of them intertwine, they arrive at a certain determination... "If we wait around for 'someday', before you know it we'll find ourselves having grown up." The adventure now evolves once again...