Genre Drama
The special will revisit the childhood past of the three sworn brothers Luffy, Ace, and Sabo, when they all dreamed of becoming pirates. In addition, it will depict how Sabo originally came into the kingdom of Dressrosa (which was not depicted in Eiichiro Oda's original manga or the television anime), as well as his reunion with Luffy from his point of view.
An army plane defects from the U-ran (Uranium) Union and lands in Black Jack's garden carrying a family. Their purpose is to have their son, who is suffering from an incurable disease, treated by Black Jack. But it is beyond even BJ's ability to cure the disease.
In order to protect the residents of Xiaoji Island and the peaceful life here, Wu Liuqi and his partners Dabao and Xiaofei embark on a journey to the Xuanwu Kingdom to find out the truth about his identity and a way to save the island. Waiting for them is more unknowns and adventures.
It is now time for the 11th Cyber Formula World Grand Prix. With all the expectations and pressures placed upon him, Hayato Kazami struggles to regain the championship form that he had a year ago. Moreover, Osamu Sugo, aka Knight Schumacher, has reentered the competition, and declared Hayato to be an enemy. Hayato, with the new Super Asurada AKF-11, must now defeat someone he once deeply trusted in order to secure his second championship.