Genre Drama
In the distant future, monsters and inhumans roam the land, and the ruling Evil King seeks a human woman to bear him powerful, force-adept heirs. Non offers herself to the Evil King in order to save her village from Ape Clan raiders, and gives him twin sons, Loof and Jin. She and her sons are exiled by the ungrateful villagers, however, and Non's companion Nue (a Demon Clan member changed into a wolf for disobedience) takes Loof to be raised by his father, the Evil King. The Evil One's Queen Parome despises humans, however, and her malevolence towards Loof deepens...
TV Series
Maiku Kamishiro has a problem. Actually, make that two problems. He has two young girls boarding at his house, each claiming that they're his long-lost twin sister! Which one is Maiku's sister? Which one is a total stranger?
TV Series
A large scale remake of the time after Kenshin leaves Tokyo up until before the inferno of Kyoto.