Genre Adventure
After the betrayal of his companions, Haruyoshi, the strongest diviner, was on the verge of dying. Hoping to be happy in the next life, he attempted the secret reincarnation technique and was sent to a different world! Born into a family of magicians, the magic he didn't inherit paled in comparison to his previous abilities as an onmyouji. "Who needs magic? I'll survive in this world with my old techniques!"
Winter 2023 Anime
A dull old man and his handsome best friend were summoned to another world by a naked goddess! However, because of the goddess's mischief, he has turned into a peerless beautiful girl?! To get back his body, he has to go on a journey with his best friend to defeat the demon king!! "An old man that became a beautiful girl" and "A handsome old man"! Let the madness-filled, rom-com journey in another world begin!!
Winter 2022 Anime
Fam and Ihrie are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. So when these debt-driven damsels discover the potential profits to be hand in recovering a particularly dangerous mystical object, it means mortal peril for an entire civilization. There's no guarantee that they'll live long enough to squander the fabulous wealth they've been promised, and danger lurks around every turn as they cross dark seas in pursuit of legendary evil. Haunted by an unspeakable curse, plagued by doomsday prophecies, plotted against by untrustworthy traveling companions and looked in desperate race to gain the Ultimate Power, Fam and Ihrie are the Ruin Explorers!