Genre Adventure
Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" which is the highest title for a weapon and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch. Maka & Soul Eater, Black Star & Tsubaki, and Death the Kid with Patty and Liz Thompson are the characters Soul Eater revolves around. Besides taking the time to gather souls, these students of Shibusen defend Death City from some of the most powerful of creatures while still attending school and trying to become stronger.
TV Series
There is an ancient legend on a distant planet which states (among other things) that four goddesses will one day descend from the skies and all will be right with the world. Of course meanwhile, Yohko and the rest of the Terra team (with one straggler) have crashed on a backwater world, and they have to figure out a way off before their new charge... gets hungry again! Every so often, a celebration takes place in one of the most beautiful places in the Universe... a cosmic Sakura fest! Since the Terra Team has been doing so well, one of them is invited to join the high command as they meet their opposite numbers from NESS. It's a time of celebration and a time of peace... but it seems that someone didn't get the message.
Seven years ago, Chu Yunfei was struck by a dramatic change in his family and was stranded in the Pill King Valley in Zhongzhou. He returned to his homeland to take revenge and vowed to find out the truth.