Genre Adventure
Sumimura Yoshimori, a 14-year-old junior high school boy, is a descendant of the Kekkaishi, or an exterminator of monsters. He is vying for the heir to the family with Yukumura Tokine. Tokine is older than him, and she is his childhood friend as well as his rival Kekkaishi. To save people from the crises, and to make himself stronger, Yoshimori fights against monsters at night.
TV Series
At the dawn of time, the gods ruled the universe under the leadership of the mighty Tentei. But suddenly, the ferocious general, Taishakuten, appears, and destroys Tentei. Taishakuten declares that a new age has begun, and all who oppose him will die horribly. But legend says that a shimmering six-pointed star will rise into the heavens and restore the world to a golden age. The six points are six warriors, each with the power to move the stars and the hearts of all people... (Source: ANN)
When Dr. Eggman (Robotnik in the US version) holds the president and his daughter hostage, Sonic must comply to the evil scientist's demand of going to Eggmanland to stop Black Eggman and deactivate the city's generator before it reaches critical mass. Little does Sonic know that it's a trap to activate Hyper Metal Sonic, a robot counterpart built by Eggman to destroy our hero.