Genre Romance
When Mamoru was little he gave a rose to a little boy named Fiore. Fiore promised that one day he would bring Mamoru lots of flowers. Now Fiore has come back to earth but his intentions are not merely to fulfil a promise...
An unusual snow storm hits Tokyo and the Sailor Senshi discover that an evil snow queen Kaguya, wants to freeze the entire earth. It's up to the Inner Sailor Senshi along with the Outers, to defeat the Queen. Meanwhile, Luna falls in love with a human astronomer named Kakeru whose girlfriend is an astronaut about to take a space shuttle mission. Kakeru becomes ill and Luna wishes she could be a human to help him.
Jun Shirasaki and the Jinguuji sisters are childhood friends and neighbors. When Jun's first girlfriend, the older sister Ryuumi, breaks up with him, she says something that complicates the three people's relationship, their first loves, and their romance—?
Summer 2024 Anime