Genre Romance
The OVA will be based on the Narumi Seo character map story event that was featured in the smartphone game in April 2018. Seo, who has a unique memory disorder, will appear alongside other heroes of the Seo Research Laboratory in the OVA.
It is summer break and Keima intends to spend all his time on video games. An old acquaintance, the timid girl Tenri, comes back into the neighborhood—and apparently has a lost soul inside her. It is up to Keima and Elysia to unravel the secrets of her heart.
After witnessing the suicide bombing of a terrorist girl, Constable Kazuki Fuse becomes haunted by her image, and is forced to undergo retraining for his position in the Capital Police's Special Unit. However, unknown to him, he becomes a key player in a dispute between Capital and Local Police forces, as he finds himself increasingly involved with the sister of the very girl he saw die.