Genre Horror
In the distant future, human beings have been forced to leave earth and migrate to another galaxy. An advanced team of spacecraft arrives at a planet that is to be terraformed. Each member of the team is output by a biological 3D printer.
Having escaped the many horrors of her village, Saya Kisaragi vows to hunt down the monster responsible and make him pay with his life. As she tears through flesh and bone for her vendetta, she encounters SIRRUT, a group of ingenious hackers, who enlist Saya to help them defeat a common enemy—someone she knows all too well. Unfortunately, the path she follows is paved with tragedy, as once again, Saya faces betrayal at the hands of those she has come to trust. With her back against the wall, the fearsome monster slayer must fight with all her strength and skill if she is to overcome this final mission and exact vengeance.
A villa, involved in strange circumstances in the 1990s, is bulldozed and new homes are built on top. The ostensibly peaceful town and its inhabitants will soon have its cover blown wide open. Mysterious forces are at play, rooted in a disturbing truth.
Set in modern-day Tokyo where dreams and desires are afloat, a group of ninjas called "Toukeshuu" is set to stop the spread of "darkness" that prevails in the world using ancient techniques passed down through generations.
Summer 2020 Anime