Genre Horror
The "pleasant horror gag comedy" centers around the life of Tatami-chan, a sardonic ghost from Iwate Prefecture who is now living in Tokyo among other spirits, supernatural entities, and humans. In addition to dealing with otherworldly matters, the unemployed Tatami-chan also has to deal with job-hunting as well as paying for gas, water, and electricity.
There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are suffering. This "Angel of Death" has a name—Boogiepop. And the legends are true. Boogiepop is real. When a rash of disappearances involving female students breaks out at Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty assume they just have a bunch of runaways on their hands. Yet some students know better. Something mysterious and foul is afoot. Is it Boogiepop or something even more sinister...?
TV Series
The story follows Elk, a bounty hunter in some strange futuristic world. On this world archaic but advanced technology exists side by side with primitive attitudes, beasts and magic. In other words it's got a bit of everything. It also has an evil conspiracy who are able to produce powerful monsters called chimera, who can also appear as human. Naturally it is not long before Elk has rescued a young female beast-master and gained himself some serious enemies.
TV Series
Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, a secret organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing has secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. It is unclear how he feels about being a servant to the Hellsing family, but he certainly enjoys his job as a vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is a valued member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined. A group long thought dead has been plotting in secret since their apparent destruction over 50 years ago.
TV Series