Status Completed
Nijigasaki High School is located in Odaiba, Tokyo. The school is popular due to its free school style and diverse majors. The story centers on the members of school idol club in Nijigasaki, and their attempt to prevent the club from being abolished.
Fall 2020 Anime
Happy Happy Clover recounts the everyday life of a bunny named Chima and the other animals in the Crescent Moon Forest.
TV Series
A dying mob boss entrusts Lupin with a diamond that supposedly is the key to a vast treasure. But when Lupin is attacked by an assassin and saves a mysterious girl from trouble, it becomes clear that that there's more to this treasure then meets the eye...
The One Year War comes to a close, as the Zeon forces now retreat back into space. Amuro learns much more of his Newtype abilities and tries to use them the best way he can. He's pushed to his limit as he encounters the infamous Char Aznable once again. He also falls in love with a mysterious woman named Lalah Sune, who knows the full potential of the Newtype abilities. The greatest battle is about to begin, as many loved ones fall to the power of war. Can the Earth Federation defeat the Principality of Zeon? Or will they fail? Can Char prove that he's the better Newtype than Amuro? They all will be answered now...