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Pucca is a cute and energetic 10 years old Korean girl. Working as a delivery girl for the restaurant of her parents, she has one love obsession, Garu, and will do anything to kiss him! Garu is an aspiring ninja, often followed by his cat Mio. He's shy and always has to try to escape from Pucca's traps. But she will absolutely never give up! Good thing both of them like chocolate!

There is a world in which an endless rain of dark ash fills the sky, and covers the earth. Humanity, fearing the ash that burns and melts away human flesh, had no choice but to cover themselves in protective suits, and their faces with gigantic masks. Bundled up in their suits and hidden away behind their masks, the people have fled deep within the underground. This is the story of the children growing up in this fearful world.

Two video releases recapping events from the Gundam Wing TV series. Each Operation Meteor video contains an 'Odd' episode and an 'Even' episode. The 'Odd' episodes feature Heero, Trowa and Wufei, while the 'Even' episodes feature Duo and Quatre. The episodes also featured brief new footages of the characters after the final episode of the TV series.