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Qualidea Code
12 EPS
Qualidea Code

The story takes place in a world where people continue their war against the "unknown"—the enemy of humanity. Children who have been evacuated to a cold sleep facility during the invasion by the "unknown" several decades ago wake up from their slumber and learn that their bodies developed some supernatural forces. In order to protect the country from the "unknown" emerging from the Tokyo bay gate, the boys and girls wage battles in the defense the cities of Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Chiba.

Summer 2016 Anime

Gigi Goegoe Sunghyungsoo
Gigi Goegoe Sunghyungsoo

Beauty Water looks like a common skin cosmetic. But unlike other cosmetics, people can sculpt their skin with it like molding clay and change their appearance. An ordinary girl, Yaeji, comes across the 'Beauty Water' by chance, and her endless desire to be the most beautiful woman brings her unimaginable disaster.


Koi to Uso
12 EPS
Koi to Uso

Summer 2017 Anime

Konbini Kareshi
12 EPS
Konbini Kareshi

Summer 2017 Anime

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