Genre Supernatural
In this sequel, a girl named Kazusano Kazuki join up with the 6 girls and Ikko. With Kazuki around, Ikko will find himself in more embarassing situations with these priestesses-in-training.
TV Series
It was just a usual morning. Akira Shiroyanagi, a high schooler who loves games and Konpeito (Japanese sweets), has suddenly been dragged into a battlefield by a mysterious girl who calls herself Mion. The participants are told that they are "erased from the family register, involved in an experiment, and gained certain powers." Akira is determined to win the game with his newfound powers and destroy the organization. Armed with a power no one expects and his "brain" skills, the new period of intelligence battle begins!
TV Series
Taba and the Girls of Kagura Total Security Inc. specialize in jobs where their enemy are "Phantom Cats". They have a few run ins with the various Government agencies, as well as a gang of Phantom Cats; blowing up a lot of stuff along the way. When one of their own is kidnapped, they have to get her back.