Genre Sports
A professional dancer named Sengoku rescues Tatara, an introverted third-year middle school student who is being harassed by delinquents. Tatara ends up at Sengoku's dance studio where he meets Shizuku Hanaoka, a schoolmate he comes to secretly idolize. From this defining moment when Tatara enters the world of dance. Sengoku is a free-spirited, dynamic international dancer who recognizes Tatara's potential and begins to coach him. Through dance, Tatara meets another schoolmate, a dance prodigy named Kiyoharu. Through these new friendships, Tatara develops a passionate desire to improve as a dancer and be accepted by his peers and rivals, which nurtures his own native talent. And through interaction with Tatara, other dance members are encouraged to take steps to overcome their own challenges and issues.
Summer 2017 Anime
Humans have the power to release their potential under various conditions. Those who break through the wall named the limit... That is a para-athlete! Boys and girls who met heretic sports scientist, Narita Ren, got hints from Narita. As a para-athlete, a hot story that grows by opening the door to potential.
Winter 2020 Anime
These are the recollections of a group of men who bet everything on their bicycles. The central pillars of their respective teams, the third years. New stories revealing their pasts are about to begin!