Genre Space
This movie, based on an anecdote of "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu" written by novelist Tanaka Yoshiki, preludes the 110-episodes TV series by describing the first encounter between the ambitious young man Reinhard von Müsel under the imperial flag and the passive Yang Wenli who serves a corrupting democracy. Set in an imaginative future, the story describes the first encounter between Yang and Reinhard and discusses how heroes are born.
The year is AD 2225. Kouji Aiba and Aoi Housen are serving as astronauts in-training in Liebe Delta which is located on the edge of the Geduld Sea. When saboteurs with unknown intents suddenly strike during a routine dive procedure, the space station plummets into the Geduld, a plasma field that links all the planets like a nervous system and crushes any ship that strays too far into it. With all the adults onboard killed, the young astronauts will have to survive this long journey home in midst of the growing tension amongst each other. Meanwhile the organizers of the sabotage look on and prepare to attack once more.
TV Series
To celebrate their respective 40 and 45 year anniversaries, Mobile Suit Gundam and Hello Kitty are coming together for a highly unexpected cross-over.