Genre Slice of Life
The "Project Sekai Anniversary Festa 2021" event announced on Sunday that production on a mini anime adaptation of Sega's Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku smartphone rhythm game has been green-lit. The 10 planned episodes of Petit Seka (Puchi Seka) will stream for free on YouTube.
School begins at Étoile Vio School, where idol-hopeful students known as "I-Chu" will undergo training to become full-fledged idols. However, things are off to a strange start when the new students are given a speech from their bear principal?! The I-Chu work steadily toward their goals and ask, "What is an idol?" Each boy will learn to shine as they struggle to find their answer.
Winter 2021 Anime
Web shorts focusing on each of the 22/7 idols in normal everyday life.
Miyagawa Atsushi is an 11-year-old boy who is 180 centimeters tall. Since he has a grown-up looking build but acts his age, he has always been running into troubles. On the other hand, his 17-year-old elder sister Atsumi is only 137 centimeters tall. Even though she has a childish looking build, Atsumi takes good care of Atsushi.
TV Series