Genre Shounen
To the students of Karai High School, Nanako Yukishiro is a pretty, calm, and cute 16-year-old. However, Nanako is no ordinary girl, as she cannot speak! Instead, Nanako communicates through senryuu—17-syllable-long poems. Sixteen-year-old Eiji Busujima used to be delinquent in his middle school years. However, he has since turned over a new leaf due to his newfound love of senryuu. Despite his menacing looks, Eiji gets along well with Nanako as a fellow member of the Literature Club. Even though Nanako is mute, the adorable pair have no problem communicating with each other. Senryuu Shoujo is a light and relaxing story of two teenagers' daily lives.
Spring 2019 Anime
A dying mob boss entrusts Lupin with a diamond that supposedly is the key to a vast treasure. But when Lupin is attacked by an assassin and saves a mysterious girl from trouble, it becomes clear that that there's more to this treasure then meets the eye...
The genin of Konoha are having a sports day filled with races, obstacle courses and of course the relay and the prize is a paid vacation for the winner. Unfortunately Naruto and his stomach are getting him into trouble again.