Genre Shounen
In the year of 20XX, a young boy by the name of Netto Hikari receives a very special gift as he enters the 5th grade. His very own customized net navi, Rockman! Despite Rockman's small size and far more responsible personality, the two boys quickly become the best of friends. A net navi is designed to guide his operator from the inside of his or her PErsonal Terminal, or simply PET for short. Children and adults alike enjoy friendly "Net Battles", where they spar their navis against each other to prove their worth. (Source: Official Site)
TV Series
Doraemon is a robotic cat that lives in the 22nd century, and is known as a caretaker who helps others with his futuristic gadgets. One day he is approached by Sewashi Nobi, the great-great-grandson of Nobi Nobita. Sewashi demands of Doraemon to go back to the past and make Nobita happy in order to prevent a disastrous and bleak future. Doraemon is not excited about this idea, but Sewashi installs a program into Doraemon and eventually sends him back to the past. Nobita Nobi is an elementary school boy who is very lazy, unlucky and a scaredy-cat. He gets bullied by everyone and does not excel in any school subject. When he meets Doraemon for the first time, the two of them start off on the wrong foot; however, they soon become great friends. Doraemon cannot go home to the 22nd century unless he turns Nobita into a boy who can stand on his own and be happy.
High school student Takeru Takemoto works part time as a (motor)bike courier. During one of his deliveries, he saw a mysterious light passing him and fell into a forest. What he had found was a beautiful girl coming out from a glowing cocoon, calling herself "Hikari." While Takeru was quite embarrassed because of Hikari's nudity, a strange monster suddenly showed up and immediately attacked the two. Both Takeru and Hikari demonstrated the power of their other selves before Takeru had a clue of what's going on.
TV Series