Genre Sci-Fi
In a world where everything is programmed and operated by mysterious monsters called Promin, all troubles (bugs) that happen around are caused by Bugmin, bugged Promin. With the help of space dog Wanda, a boy named Yuuto tries to catch as many Bugmin as possible before serious consequences emerge.
Spring 2016 Anime
The cyberpunk metropolis Shinjuku—a massive city-state bedecked with neon signs, towering skyscrapers, and the latest cutting-edge technology. It is here, in year 2099 of the Fused Era, where the legendary Demon Lord Veltol has his second coming five centuries in the making. But this landscape is nothing like the one he conquered all those years ago, for the fusion of magic and engineering has elevated civilization to dazzling, unprecedented heights. Veltol may have been reduced to a historical footnote, but make no mistake...this brave new world will be his for the taking!
Fall 2024 Anime
An artificial island in Tokyo Bay—Kyokutou Houreigai Tokubetsu Chiku (Far East Special District), commonly known as the 24-ku (24th Ward). Childhood friends Ran, Kouki, and Shuuta, who were born and raised there, have different family backgrounds, hobbies, and personalities, but always hung out together. However, their relationship changes drastically in the wake of a certain incident. At the first anniversary memorial of the incident, the three friends happen to meet again and their phones begin to ring simultaneously. The phone call is from a supposedly dead friend, urging them to "choose the future." The three will try to protect their beloved 24th Ward and the future of its people in their own ways.
Winter 2022 Anime
Jun is a very intelligent little girl who spends her time arranging all kinds of inventions. It goes until creating two small robots, Kichinosuke and Yukinojo, who become her best friends. Because of her intelligence, Jun gets into college at a young age and she meets and falls in love with a boy from her class who's called Zero. Zero is interested in motorbikes and not in school and is accustomed to not attending the courses. He got delayed in his schooling and thus is found much older than the other students and is there for humiliated for it. On the other hand Jun is way too young and little to be in college and is made fun of. Thanks to their common passion for mechanics, Zero will sympathize with Jun and will agree to dine with her in Harbor, the restaurant where Jun's parents live. This is long series of fun adventures and arguments that little Jun will make to allure her charming prince, who's twice older than her.
TV Series