Genre School
Sing a Bit of Harmony tells the story of the beautiful and mysterious Shion who transfers to Keibu High School where she quickly becomes popular due to her open-hearted personality and exceptional athletic talent...but she turns out to be an AI in the testing phase! Shion's goal is to bring chronic loner Satomi "happiness." However, her strategy is something no human would expect: she serenades Satomi in the middle of the classroom. After finding out that Shion is an AI, Satomi and her childhood friend, engineering geek Touma, steadily warm up to the new student. Along with the popular and attractive Gocchan, the strong-willed Aya, and judo club member "Thunder," they become more and more moved by Shion's singing and earnestness even as her antics bewilder them. But what Shion does for Satomi's sake ends up involving them all in some serious pandemonium. Get ready for the heartwarming story of a not quite market-ready AI and her classmates!
Reina Aharen, a small and cute student with a quiet voice, is quite bad at determining distance and personal space. Sometimes she's inches away from your face, and at other times, miles too far! The only one who tries to understand her antics is Raidou Matsuboshi, who is seated beside her in class. He has a menacing face, but in reality, he is a kind boy with an imagination that can run wild at times. Aharen-san wa Hakarenai follows the peculiar pair as their odd friendship starts to blossom when Raidou picks up Aharen's eraser for her. She misinterprets his gesture and now believes them to be best friends, showing how the simplest of things can prove to be the most complicated of challenges for them.
Spring 2022 Anime
After losing the titanic match against Kainan High, Team Shohoku and a newly shaven Hanamichi Sakuragi are challenged to an exhibition match by virtual basketball unknowns Ryoukufu High. Coach Anzai sees this as an opportunity for Shohoku to regain their confidence, but Ryoukufu are revealed to have a newly assembled championship calibre lineup and may give Sakuragi & Co their toughest test yet.