Genre School
Haruka Nanase has reconciled with his rival Rin Matsuoka, and they have re-established their friendship, determined to race each other again. Now Haruka, along with Makoto Tachibana, Rei Ryuugazaki, and Nagisa Hazuki, prepare for their upcoming tournaments, determined to compete wholeheartedly and achieve victory as a team. At Samezuka Academy, Rin resolves to do the same. Further, the seniors near graduation, and Rin has decided his future plans. However, Haruka and Makoto remain uncertain, and they begin to feel the pressure of having to choose their own paths.
The year is 1991, and arcade video games are the latest craze. Becoming a professional gamer is a far-fetched dream in an industry that has yet to spread its influence. Yet, that is the path sixth-grader Haruo Yaguchi wants to pursue. His aptitude for video games has earned him respect in local arcades and bestowed him with confidence and pride, both of which are shattered when fellow classmate Akira Oono easily defeats him in Street Fighter 2. Akira is rich, pretty, and smart—as close as can be to a perfect girl. But Haruo had never cared about these things as, despite his multiple shortcomings as a person, his supremacy in video games was, in his mind, undisputed. So, now that someone has appeared who can rival him, part of Haruo cannot help but loathe her. Another part, however, itches for somebody who can compete with him on equal terms, and Akira is more than capable.
TV Series
Yori Asanagi is a mature girl in many ways but is still pure when it comes to romance. That sentiment is proven when an underclassman, Himari Kino, suddenly confesses love to her after her band performance at the freshman opening ceremony. Confused and surprised, Yori asks her friends for consultation, but they tease her by saying that she is experiencing love. Yori soon makes up her mind and tries to return Himari's feelings, but in a twist of events, she realizes that what Himari loved was not her, but her music! As Yori continues to pursue her love for Himari, she promises to make Himari fall for her. However, will this passionate love bloom or remain unrequited?
Spring 2024 Anime