Genre School
In the night of Tokyo, mysterious deaths involving the ‘Reborn Dead’ occur. Mysterious transfer student, Tatsuma Hiyuu, and delinquent student, Kyouichi Houraiji, fight these undead every night. They, along with the rest of their group, soon realize that a greater threat, that involves even more powerful demons, is near.
TV Series
The undying sakura trees return. The story once again takes place on Hatsunejima, but is set 53 years after the events of D.C. and D.C.S.S.. Although some characters will probably look a bit familiar to the initiated eye, the cast is a new one. The two new main protagonists are the Asakura sisters Yume and Otome, who are the granddaughters of Jun'ichi and Nemu from the first season.
TV Series
Nina Sakura, a young, clumsy witch travels from the magic kingdom to collect the five holy stones to win as the princess candidate, competing with her childhood friend,Maya Orihara. But eventually, she develops new friendships in this world with people like Ayu Tateishi, Kaji Tetsushi, Tsujiai Hiroki. She also helps Ayu and Kaji to form a couple.Then she faces the dilemma, whether to stay here or return to the world she belongs to. Nina, a young girl from the Magic Kingdom, is a candidate for princess. She travels to Earth to search for Holy Stones required for her to be qualified as a candidate. On Earth, she meets Ayu Tateishi, who right away discovered her magical powers and who eventually became her best friend. They continue their friendship as Ayu further learns about Nina’s mission. Finally, she collected the 5 Holy Stones. However, a dilemma then came: Nina cannot decipher on what road will she take — to become a princess, or remain on Earth with her friends. Genres: comedy, magic, romance Themes: Magical Girl
TV Series
Sakura Nankyoku is a total otaku. Due to a fluke, she gets elected as her class’ Student Council President. Everything takes off from there into a series of crazy misadventures revolving around Sakura, her family, and her classmates.