Genre Mecha
U.C. 0083 - Three years after the end of the catastrophic One Year War, peace on Earth and the colonies is shattered by the presence of the Delaz Fleet, a rogue Zeon military group loyal to the ideals of the late dictator Gihren Zabi. Delaz Fleet`s ace pilot Anavel Gato, once hailed as "The Nightmare of Solomon", infiltrates the Federation`s Torrington base in Australia and steals the nuclear-armed Gundam GP02A "Physalis" prototype. Rookie pilot Kou Uraki - with the aid of Anaheim Electronics engineer Nina Purpleton and the crew of the carrier Albion - pilots the Gundam GP01 "Zephyranthes" prototype in an attempt to recover the stolen Gundam unit and prevent another war from breaking out.
Sousei no Aquarion Evol is set in the spring of 1966. Shin Tsukishima, who is travelling to get a crystal radio, meets Yuno Kawazu, a girl crying on a beach in Izu. Shin and Yuno are guided by the Book of Genesis and meet each other halfway. The boundaries between three worlds begin to distort.
The pilot Sue Harris goes to a mission on a frozen country, there she suffers an accident on the mountains and her life is in severe danger. Trying to survive on the harsh enviroment, she encounters an alien and engages in combat with it. The two beings will use all means possible to escape of that dead trap alive.