Genre Mecha
Tokiko Mima, nicknamed "Key," is a 17-year-old girl living in the Japanese countryside who, despite her human-like appearance, is a robot. When Key's grandfather Dr. Murao Mima passes away, he leaves her a dying message, telling her that she can become a real girl if she is able to make thirty thousand friends. Thus, Key moves from the quiet Mamio Valley to the busy streets of Tokyo, where she soon runs into her childhood friend Sakura Kuriyagawa. Key quickly becomes enamored with idol singer Miho Utsuse and wonders if becoming a singer will allow her to make the amount of friends needed for her to become human. But Miho carries a ominous secret: she is connected to Jinsaku Ajou, an old rival of Dr. Mima trying to make new a breakthrough in robotic weaponry. As Key works to become a real girl, Ajou sets a dangerous plan into action, and it turns out there's much more to Key than meets the eye.
When the secret occult society, Shiromorishuua, sends a huge monster to attack Tokyo, ASY, a peace-keeping organization in Japan, retaliates with a Gousen (metal faery). ASY's Gousen annihilates the creature after driving it into open ocean. Although successful, a surprise attack follows. A girl, floating in midair and glowing with radiance, strikes with a beam of light. This girl is "Rouran." She knows neither her identity, her origins, nor why whenever she senses the Gousen or Kyoushi (reanimated corpses) she transforms into an avenging angel. As Rouran worries about her mysterious existence, Tetsuya kindly watches over her in Tokyo Arcadia, a settlement of expatriates and dissidents.
TV Series
Second in a trilogy of films that take place after the original Eureka Seven but before Eureka Seven AO.