Genre Kids
The new anime will take place in 2020 and will feature an all-new story centering on Taichi Yagami when he is in his fifth year in elementary school. His partner is Agumon. The story begins in Tokyo when a large-scale network malfunction occurs. Taichi is preparing for his weekend summer camping trip when the incident happens. Taichi's mother and his younger sister Hikari get stuck on a train that won't stop moving, and Taichi heads to Shibuya in order to help them. However, on his way there, he encounters a strange phenomenon and sweeps him up into the Digital World along with the other DigiDestined.
Spring 2020 Anime
Satoshi and his Pikachu head off to a new region, Alola, wearing a new set of clothes. He receives a Z-Ring and becomes a student at a school.
Fall 2016 Anime
The XY series is based on the events of the Generation VI games. As with the previous three series, the XY series begins with only Satoshi heading off to a new region with his Pikachuu; his previous companions, Irisand Dent, have left the series. Satoshi's journey through the Kalos Region begins in Miare City, and soon he will be joined by Serena, Citron, and Eureka.
TV Series