Genre Historical
In the Sengoku period, a rounin called Nanashi (meaning nameless) saves a young boy Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru at an abandoned temple. Kotarou has no family, is pursued by a mysterious militia organization from China and hires Nanashi as his bodyguard. Among the pursuers is a man called Rarou, a very skilled warrior with blond hair and blue eyes. He obeys an old man called Byakuran and is a member of the Chinese militia. Unlike his companions in the militia, he is not serving any Emperor and just wants to fight with the strong.
Having lost her family to bandits during night raid, Kanu swears, she will not let others share the same pain. She quickly becomes a — well-known and feared by villains — bandit hunter. During her journey she comes across others, who wish to join her cause. One of them is a girl named Rin Rin, who had a similar experience with bandits in the past.
TV Series
Ninja Resurrection follows the adventures of a young Jubei Yugyu on special assignment to the General of the Toyotomi clan. The volume begins with the introduction of Christianity in feudal Japan and how a young boy becomes the next Saviour. After being ousted for his religion, he continues to deliver his teachings to the world and eventually builds up a large following. Religious wars and persecution follow. Thus enters Jubei and his small group - sent to assassinate him since he is safely tucked away behind his fortress.
The novels are set in 1925 when two 14-year-old Japanese high school girls named Koume and Sh?ko decide to start a baseball team in Japan where few baseball teams — male or female — exist at the time. First though, the two girls have no clue where to find nine players, how to use the equipment, and what even the rules are.
TV Series