Genre Historical
In the final years of the Bakumatsu, wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki travels the length and breadth of Japan. And while he employs his sword in the usual fashion, he also uses it to help him locate supernatural items which he pursues with single-minded determination, often with bloody results. In the course of his quest, he crosses paths with a traveling theater group whose members have their own dark agenda. Is it a chance meeting or the result of some, as yet, undiscovered conspiracy?
A hundred thousand years ago, there was a plan set in motion by a figure named Ren Xing. At the crucial moment when the chaos of darkness was about to be defeated, the six mighty Primordial Gods,whom Ren Xing had personally nurtured over countless ages, betrayed him. After his physical body was rendered powerless, he was imprisoned in a desolate realm. Twenty thousand years later, eight powerful Emperor-level experts paid a great price with their lives to rescue Ren Xing’s physical body. They then concealed it for another eighty thousand years. After these eighty thousand years had passed, Ren Xing awakened. Leveraging the elaborate plan set in motion ages ago, he left behind his final legacy in this era, embarking on a journey that would shake the very heavens!
In an imperial court in ancient China, it has been a few months since a 17-year-old girl known as Maomao was kidnapped and forced to work as a low-level servant at the emperor's palace. Still, she manages to retain her curious and pragmatic spirit, planning to work until her years of servitude are over. One day, however, she catches wind of the fact that the emperor's two infants have fallen gravely ill. She decides to secretly take action, drawing on her experience as a pharmacist raised in the poor red-light district. Despite Maomao's attempts to remain anonymous, she soon catches the eye of Jinshi, an influential eunuch who recognizes her talents. Maomao soon finds herself in the emperor's inner court, where she gradually makes a name for herself by utilizing her knowledge and eccentric personality to solve various medical mysteries.
Fall 2023 Anime