Genre Harem
Set in a slightly futuristic world where Earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the Nova, the story follows the adventures of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called Pandoras who battle the aliens, and their male partners, called Limiters, who use a special power called "freezing" to limit their opponent's mobility. The protagonist makes the acquaintance of an unusual older girl named Satellizer el Bridget who appears to be the most powerful Pandora in her class, but has not yet chosen a male partner to be her Limiter, and in spite of the warnings of all his friends, he decides to be her Limiter.
TV Series
hack//G.U. Returner is a single-episode OVA offered to fans who completed all three GU Games, featuring characters from the .hack//G.U. Games and .hack//Roots.
Plot Summary: Hino goes to a school that specialises in music and has two streams: the normal stream and the music stream, where the music students are regarded as the more elite. She was running late for her class one day when she saw a tiny fairy, who seemed really excited that she could see it. The next day, the entrants in the music competition, who are decided by the school, are announced. Hino’s name appears on the list – except she doesn’t play an instrument. The fairy gives her a magical violin that can be played by anyone. Reluctantly, she enters into the competition and is forced to deal with the prejudices of her peers
TV Series
Following the intraschool competition at Seiso Academy, budding music student Kahoko meets brusque boy Eto, the new school board director Akihiko Kira, and the mysterious transfer student Aoi Kaji.
TV Series