Genre Drama
Plot Summary: Keitaro Urashima is determined to be accepted into Tokyo University, the hardest Japanese University of all to get into, because of a promise he made to a girl when he was young… a girl whose name he can’t even remember. After failing to get into Tokyo U twice, he is kicked out by his parents and goes to live with his Grandmother at her hotel, but it seems it has been turned into an all girls boarding house. What’s more, much to his surprise and to the tenants disgust, Keitaro is made manager of the boarding house.
TV Series
Plot Summary:In A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar) a mysterious entity known only as “UE”, or “unknown enemy”, attacks and destroys the space colony Angel. This brutal attack becomes infamous as the “The Day the Angel Fell”, and marks the beginning of humanity’s war for survival. The series begins in A.G. 108 when the UE attack the space colony Ovan, where Flit Asuno lives with his mother. Flit’s mother is killed by the UE, and in her belongings (in an object called a “AGE Device”) he discovers the blueprints for a powerful weapon from the past–the ancient messiah named “Gundam.” From these blueprints, Flit spends the next several years studying engineering at an Earth Federation base on the Nora space colony and designing the AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal. Seven years later, in A.G. 115, Flit completes the Gundam AGE-1 Normal, just as the UE attack Nora. Flit and his lineage’s battle piloting the AGE-1 to protect mankind is about to begin.
TV Series
After the events of the Lost Logia case, Nanoha waits patiently for the day she can reunite with her newfound friend, Fate. Although being an exceptionally powerful mage, Nanoha spends her days normally with her friends on Earth. But peace is once again suddenly shattered, as Nanoha is without warning attacked by a powerful mage. A group of violent mages have been attacking anything with magic power for their own goals. Nanoha and Fate, along with their friends Yuuno, Arf, Chrono and the Space/Time Administration Bureau must once more band together to stop these renegade mages from hurting anyone or anything else. Takes place after the first season of Lyrical Nanoha.
Sometime in the distant future, Kurumi, Saki and Karinka share an apartment with another girl named Excelia. One day, after school, Kurumi tells everyone that she is in love with a man she met named Michihito Kagura, but she doesn't know when she will see him again.