Genre Drama
A new anime adaptation by Sparky Animation, Duckbill Entertainment, Baku Enterprise and Bandai Visual of the book Arashi no Yoru ni (One Stormy Night…) by Kimura Yuuichi.
TV Series
In the future, personal computers have developped into “Persocons”, mobile computers that look like human beings. Hideki Motosuwa, a prep school student, desperately wants to buy a Persocon but cannot afford to. One day he finds a Persocon that has been thrown away and decides to keep it. When he turns on the Persocon, all she can say is “Chii” so… more In the future, personal computers have developped into “Persocons”, mobile computers that look like human beings. Hideki Motosuwa, a prep school student, desperately wants to buy a Persocon but cannot afford to. One day he finds a Persocon that has been thrown away and decides to keep it. When he turns on the Persocon, all she can say is “Chii” so he decides to name her that. After a while it starts to become apparent that Chii is more than an average Persocon. Having much better performance, it seems that Chii might be a “Chobit”, a type of advanced Persocon rumoured to have independent thought.
TV Series
Having lost both parents, the Kazugano twins, Haruka and Sora, decided to move in and live with their grandfather of whom they are fond of. Other motives, however, contributed to their decision to reside at their grandfather.
TV Series
Kaito Kuroba, a normal teenage student whose father is often absent for vaguely defined reasons. When his father dies under mysterious circumstances, he is made aware of his father’s secret identity; a famous international criminal known as International Criminal 1412: the Phantom Thief, and that he was murdered by a mysterious organization for ref… more Kaito Kuroba, a normal teenage student whose father is often absent for vaguely defined reasons. When his father dies under mysterious circumstances, he is made aware of his father’s secret identity; a famous international criminal known as International Criminal 1412: the Phantom Thief, and that he was murdered by a mysterious organization for refusing to aid them in retrieving the “Pandora Gem”; a mystical stone said to shed a “tear” during the passing of a particular comet(often called the ‘Volley Comet’), the consumption of which bestows immortality. He vows to prevent the organization from gaining immortality, and assumes his father’s identity as he begins his quest for the gem. His only clues as to the gem’s location are that it glows red under the full moon and that it is a doublet: a gem hidden within a larger gem. Thus, it would have to be a relatively large one with a bizarre history, and always stored in a place that never receives moonlight. He thus researches and steals famous priceless gems with odd histories from incredibly well-defended areas, and always returns them after the very next full moon.
TV Series