Genre Comedy
The special's story centers on the kidnapping of Rebecca Rossellini, a beautiful business owner who is a featured character in the new Lupin III TV anime series that is currently airing. Upon hearing of her kidnapping, Lupin rushes to her rescue. Additionally, Lupin receives a written challenge from a mysterious person named "The Masked Count" suggesting a contest: who can obtain the "inheritance of Count Cagliostro" first.
The story revolves around Kinoshita Suguri, a nine-year-old third-grade girl who loves animals and making fashion accessories. One day, while Suguri is out buying materials for accessories, she comes across an unusual rock. Thinking it would look cute on a bracelet, she goes to pick up the rock and discovers a creature named Kappy. Kappy happens to be the three-year-old prince of Kapimeshia.
TV Series
This is a special to To Heart: Remember My Memories, which includes fighting scenes between all the female characters.