Genre Comedy
Saiunkoku is a world of eight provinces or houses, each named after a different colour. The new Emperor, Shi Ryuuki, has gained for a reputation for being uninterested in courtly matters and for flaunting his love for men. Shuurei, although born of the important Kou family, has difficulty making ends meet. She easily accepts an invitation to be the Emperor's concubine in order to turn him into a good ruler. The mysterious Seiran, a young man who was adopted by her father, goes with her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. Entering the imperial palace revives Shuurei's dream of being a court official, and, together with the many companions she meets along the way, continues moving bravely forward while trying to fend off the Emperor's advances.
TV Series
The Demon Queen Asura whom many fear just hearing her name turns into a child overnight and bullied? Oppressed? Assassinated? Impossible! Not happening! Hey, you trash cultivator, be honored that you are tasked to send this deity back home!
Yojouhan Time Machine Blues takes place during a sweltering midsummer day when Ozu, the protagonist's "terrible friend," accidentally drowns the only remote control for the air conditioning unit in their apartment. While they discuss their predicament with Akashi, the protagonist's raven-haired love interest, a sloppily-dressed time-travelling student arrives from 25 years in the future, prompting the protagonist to borrow his time machine in an effort to snatch the remote control from the past before it breaks.