Genre Adventure
Shun Asanaga is a 15-year-old junior high school student with an optimistic and bright personality. One day, he finds a mysterious crystal in the office of his father, who is a scientist and businessman. When he touches it, the world becomes distorted, and he is sent into the world of Endra. Emilio, a prince of the kingdom of Endra is nearing his 16th birthday and despises the reigning king Delzain. Since Emilio is now at the age when he can inherit the throne, he takes up a weapon and attempts revenge. However, because Emilio is too weak, he is captured by Delzain and put in prison. When Emilio is in grief, the wall of his cell becomes distorted and Shun appears from there with two goals: return to his own world, and complete his revenge. What future lies ahead for the two boys trying to survive in Endra, yet raised in two different worlds?
Spring 2016 Anime
Heroism—a punishment for only the worst criminals. Those sentenced to the fate of a hero are forced to fight at the front lines against the demon king's army—and if they die, all they can expect is to be revived and continue the battle. But when their leader, convicted of killing a goddess, meets another goddess himself, the contract they forge may be enough to change the world...
TV Series
Second season of Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko.
Winter 2023 Anime
Zuo Tian Cheng is the last living human in a mutated zombie-infested city. Just when he was sure he'd died, he finds his soul returned to just before that ill-fated day ten years ago. He swears he'll protect the people important to him this time round and reunite with his past lover. Watch his struggles to survive equipped with his memory of the next ten years!