Genre Adventure
In a world where Pokémon live and communicate with each other, there are mythical treasures known as the Time Gears that regulate the flow of time in their respective areas. If one is removed from its resting place, time will freeze in that area, so even evil Pokémon do not dare to steal them. But recently, anomalies in time have been appearing throughout the land, causing the appearance of Mystery Dungeons and violent Pokémon. Pokémon exploration teams have been formed to explore these Mystery Dungeons, arrest the violent Pokémon, and help maintain the peace. It turns out that the anomalies in time have not been caused by the recent disappearance of the Time Gears, but by Temporal Tower slowly falling apart and Dialga corrupting into Dark Dialga. The newly infamous thief Juptile had stolen the Time Gears in order to take them to Temporal Tower and stop its deterioration. The Pokémon exploration team Team Pokédans—which consists of Hikozaru and a once-human Pochama—must team up with Juptile to go to the Phantom Land where Temporal Tower is located. If the trio fails, Temporal Tower will completely collapse, leaving the whole world frozen in time forever...
The story of Ben Tennyson, a typical kid who becomes very atypical after he discovers the Omnitrix, a mysterious alien device with the power to transform the wearer into ten different alien species.
TV Series
Mary Bell, a magical girl who looks like a girl around five years old, comes to the human world from a magical world called "Flower Magic World", and helps and encourages people.
TV Series
A tiny mountain village in a remote woodland region. Five primary school kids have come together in this idyllic spot in order to spend their summer holidays at a camp. At first the children enjoy carefree days amidst unspoiled nature far away from adult supervision. But their life changes dramatically when they come across what they believe to be a small dog, badly in need of help. The creature—known as Pochi—turns out not to be a dog at all but an alien on an important mission. It seems there is a mysterious substance on earth that is coveted throughout the universe. Pochi had almost found it but was so badly injured during a fight that he had to give up his search. Thanks to the children's help, the alien survives—and decides to reward them generously. "Where would you most like to travel?!" is the question Pochi puts to his rescuers. Their answer is prompt, if vague: "As far as possible!" Pochi suggests they try the moon first of all, and so, the alien whisks away the kids to the satellite next door. This marks the beginning of an absolutely amazing adventure. During the course of their travels, they discover that the substance coveted throughout the universe is in fact also integral to Japanese cuisine—and it just so happens that one of the kids has some of this mysterious substance in his pocket.