Genre Adventure
One hundred years ago, Dahara City was beset by a terrible calamity brought on by a great power. The city was saved when a mysterious man sealed that power in the Prison Bottle, and became peaceful. In the present, Ash and his friends arrive in Dahara City, where they meet the mischievous Pokémon Hoopa as well as its human companion Mary. However, when Mary's elder brother Barza discovers the Prison Bottle in the desert and multiple Legendary Pokémon appear in the city, the battle of a century ago restarts, triggering a cataclysm that forces the appearance of even more Legendary Pokémon, drawing Arceus into the fray.
On the other side of the world, there exists another mysterious, mirror-like dimension known as the Reverse World. In this unique space lives the legendary Pokemon Giratina, a god-like Pokemon who soon finds itself in a great struggle with the legendary Pokemon Dialga! Why are these two Pokemon fighting? And what is the secret of this Reverse World? Meanwhile, Satoshi and his friends are traveling when they are greeted by yet another legendary Pokemon, Shami. This cute and somewhat cheeky Pokemon holds the secret to the battle between the two god Pokemon, but something unexpected happens to it during its journey. In order to save both worlds, Satoshi joins forces with it to stop the fighting once and for all!
Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Boy, but then finds himself drawn into a complex struggle over the fate of a mysterious wandering planet.