Genre Action
At the age of 14 Shinji Ikari is summoned by his father to the city of Neo Tokyo-3 after several years of separation. There he unwillingly accepts the task of becoming the pilot of a giant robot by the name EVA01 and protect the world from the enigmatic invaders known as “angels.” Even though he repeatedly questions why he has accepted this mission from his estranged and cold father, his doing so helps him to gradually accept himself. However, why exactly are the angels attacking and what are his father’s true intentions are yet to be unraveled.
TV Series
An injured man named Hakuoro is found unconscious in the forest by Eruruu, grand daughter of the local healer Tuskuru. He awakens to find a mask attached to his face and that he lacks any memories of his past. He quickly rises in importance because he is seen as a natural leader who helps those in need. Hakuoro has lost his memory after succumbing to serious injuries; but thanks to a elderly woman and her granddaughter Eruruu, he is nursed back to health. His face is covered by a strange irremovable mask and he occasionally sees beastly visions. Eruruu now cares for him as he becomes accustomed to the village and its inhabitants who all bear strange ears (the women have tails too). Though these people venerate the forces of nature, desecration of an alter forces them to take drastic measures to preserve their lives from the wrath of Mutikapa-sama, guardian of the forest.
TV Series
Duke Togo, or as he is more widely known, “Golgo 13?, is a M16 bearing assassin who will take on any job for the right price. Anyone can hire him, including private citizens and world governments. If he’s not bedding women he’s infiltrating a hostile country, waiting hours for the perfect shot in the most extreme conditions. Golgo 13 is just as adept in the urban jungle. Those who deal with him must make sure not to cross the Duke or they might find themselves the target of his rifle.
TV Series
Plot Summary:In A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar) a mysterious entity known only as “UE”, or “unknown enemy”, attacks and destroys the space colony Angel. This brutal attack becomes infamous as the “The Day the Angel Fell”, and marks the beginning of humanity’s war for survival. The series begins in A.G. 108 when the UE attack the space colony Ovan, where Flit Asuno lives with his mother. Flit’s mother is killed by the UE, and in her belongings (in an object called a “AGE Device”) he discovers the blueprints for a powerful weapon from the past–the ancient messiah named “Gundam.” From these blueprints, Flit spends the next several years studying engineering at an Earth Federation base on the Nora space colony and designing the AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal. Seven years later, in A.G. 115, Flit completes the Gundam AGE-1 Normal, just as the UE attack Nora. Flit and his lineage’s battle piloting the AGE-1 to protect mankind is about to begin.
TV Series