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The story revolves around Takumi Tsuzuki, a boy who lives with his older “sister” Otome, although the two have no blood ties between them. Otome manages a run-down confectionary store called Stray Cats. One day, Otome picks up a mysterious beautiful girl off the streets.
TV Series
Marika is a first year high school student living in a far away galaxy known as Uminoakeboshi. One day she finds out that her recently deceased father was once the captain of the space pirate ship called the “Bentenmaru”. More importantly, the only one to inherit the captain’s title has to be a direct descendant—meaning that Marika is next in line to become the captain of the ship.
TV Series
Magic is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales, but instead has become a technology of reality since a time unknown to people. Supernatural power became a technology systematized through magic, while magic became a technical skill. A "Supernatural Power User" became a "Magic Technician." Magic Technicians (in short, Magicians) are nurtured through Magic High Schools and Universities. This is a story about: Tatsuya, a defective elder brother low achiever. Miyuki, a perfect, flawless younger sister high achiever. After both siblings entered a Magic High School, The stage of daily turbulence was unveiled—.
Spring 2014 Anime
Madoka, an ordinary second year of Third Takihara Junior High; one day, a girl named Homura that looks exactly as she appears in Madoka’s dream transferred to her school. From that meeting with a miraculous girl, Madoka have to stand against her new fate as a magical girl
TV Series