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Plot Summary: Twelve-year old Aoyagi Ritsuka is left with his insane mother as his only family when his brother, Seimei, is killed suddenly. After moving to a new school, he meets Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his brother. Ritsuka eventually discovers that Soubi and Seimei used to be a fighting pair, whereby Soubi was the “Fighter” and Seimei was the “Sacrifice”. Now that Seimei is gone, Ritsuka has inherited Soubi, who will become his “Fighter”. After learning that Seimei was killed by an organisation known as the “Seven Moons”, Ritsuka decides to investigate into his brother’s death, with the sometimes useless help of Soubi, along the way.
TV Series
Plot Summary: Hino goes to a school that specialises in music and has two streams: the normal stream and the music stream, where the music students are regarded as the more elite. She was running late for her class one day when she saw a tiny fairy, who seemed really excited that she could see it. The next day, the entrants in the music competition, who are decided by the school, are announced. Hino’s name appears on the list – except she doesn’t play an instrument. The fairy gives her a magical violin that can be played by anyone. Reluctantly, she enters into the competition and is forced to deal with the prejudices of her peers.
TV Series
Akko has been fascinated with magic from the moment she had seen her first magic show. Now, she is enrolling into Luna Nova Magic School, a famous school for magic in Europe. However, contrary to her expectations, she is finding that lessons are boring. Magic lessons are staid and conservative, and not at all exciting.One day, an emergency occurs threatening to destroy the school, and it is up to Akko to save the day!