Unkai no Meikyuu Zeguy
Unkai no Meikyuu Zeguy

Unkai no Meikyuu Zeguy



Mysterious warriors appear to blast Miki into another dimension! She flees her captors only to find herself trapped in a world of monsters and madmen who plot the downfall of Earth. The only power that can possible save her (and the world) is that of the mysterious Mask of Zeguy. Miki must embark on a life-or-death quest for this talisman, with the villains who kidnapped in hot pursuit!

Other name: Labyrinth of the Cloud World: Zeguy, Zeguy: Cloudworld Labyrinth, 雲界の迷宮ZEGUY
Type: OVA
Release: 1993
Status: Completed
Country: Japanese

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