Country Japanese
In a dystopian future, detective Shinjuurou Yuuki—known by some as the "Defeated Detective"—solves mysteries throughout Tokyo. Aided by his odd associate Inga, Shinjuurou's insight and ingenuity in cracking cases, particularly homicides, lead to numerous mysteries solved and culprits caught. However, his partner seems to have some other, more sinister intentions for the people they catch, and the truth of the assistant's identity and motivation is shrouded in secrecy.
TV Series
Atsumare! Gokū Wārudo tells a feature-length story involving time travel leading up to the group's first encounter with Cell (portrayed slightly differently than in the mainstream series). The plot of the animation seems as though it could be worked into the mainstream series, particularly in the ten days prior to the beginning of the Cell Games. However, in this special, Gohan as a kid actually meets Cell, instead of being a teenager after having trained with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Once the group encounters Perfect Cell at the end of the game, a heavy punch to the face by Goku is enough to cause Cell to flee and recover from the blow.
More movie mayhem for Ryoutsu.
Year P.D. 323. Gjallarhorn's political intervention into the Arbrau central parliament escalated into an armed conflict using mobile suits. The incident was brought to an end by Tekkadan, a group of boys who came from Mars. News of Tekkadan's exploits has also reached the ears of Wistario Afam, a youth born and raised at the Radonitsa Colony near Venus. Venus, which lost to Mars in the contest for development, is a remote frontier planet in which the four great economic blocs show little interest. It is now used only as a penal colony for criminals, whose inhabitants don't even have IDs. Then Wistario, who hopes to change the status quo of this homeland, encounters a girl who claims to be the guide to the Urdr-Hunt.